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脑部磁共振成像丨Companion Animal

来源:哔哩哔哩    时间:2023-07-09 17:36:55

Imaging the brain with MRI




The increasing use of MRI in veterinary patients over the last 25 years has meanta dramatic increase in the ability to diagnose and therefore treat many diseases,especially those affecting the central nervous system. Initially, veterinary patientswere scanned at medical or research facilities (unusually at unsocial hours), then a fewveterinary institutions installed mostly mid- and high-field scanners and more recentlylow field systems designed for the veterinary market have become popular. Nowmost referral facilities and many first opinion practices either have their own scanneror ready access to one via mobile MR scanners in large lorries. The rapid expansionof teleradiology services has also meant that images acquired can be interpreted byexperts even when the user is an MRI novice.


This lecture will address MRI of the brain in veterinary patients, considering thetechnique and approach to interpretation. It is based on 24 years of experience withon-site MRI at the AHT, since 2000 with a 1.5 Tesla magnet.

本讲座将讨论兽医病患的脑部核磁共振成像,并考虑其判读的技术和方法。它是基于AHT 24年的现场核磁共振经验,自2000年以来,使用的是1.5特斯拉的磁共振设备。

High field versus low field magnets 高场强 vs 低场强磁共振

High field, superconducting magnets (1.5T and above: 3T are being installed in someveterinary institutions) have a number of advantages including shorter scan times,better image quality and the ability to perform certain types of scan such as spectral fatsuppression and diffusion weighted imaging. Disadvantages include their much highercost, major housing requirements and closed bore. Low field, permanent magnets wereoriginally designed for use in claustrophobic human patients and for interventionalMRI but have become popular in veterinary imaging as they are cheaper to purchaseand can be installed in a smaller area. However, imaging times are much longer, imagequality is often poorer (especially of T2-weighted scans) and types of study can belimited. Nevertheless, the manufacturers are constantly developing new sequences totry to overcome some of these limitations.


Patient restraint and positioning 


The relatively long scanning time required means that general anaesthesia is usuallyessential. Due to the powerful magnetic field around high field scanners the equipmentused must be non-ferrous and MRI compatible. Suitable anaesthetic and monitoringequipment is available in the medical market, but is expensive. With low field systemsit is usually possible to use conventional equipment but with long circuits so that anynon-MRI-compatible equipment is safely outside the stray magnetic field. Shorter scans(such as ‘mini-scans’ for Chiari/syringomyelia screening) are sometimes performedunder heavy sedation and on occasion it may be possible to scan comatose patientswith no further chemical restraint. Image quality may be poorer but in such cases largelesions are likely to be present.


The recumbency of the patient depends on the shape of the RF coil and in some caseson the animal’s conformation or certain medical issues. Many patients are scanned indorsal recumbency, which allows for easy positioning, but ventral recumbency canalso be used and is advised in patients where there may be a risk of regurgitation.Positioning in lateral recumbency is often more difficult but can be helpful for verynarrow dogs which are hard to restrain supine or prone, and for comatose patients.Positioning aids and restraint bands are helpful.


Choice of radiofrequency (RF) coil 


Medical MRI scanners come with a range of shapes and sizes of RF coils which aredesigned for use in people but which are equally suitable for small animals. Images areoptimum when the area to be scanned fills the coil fairly well: images will be poor if thehead is much smaller than the RF coil. The usual RF coil for examination of the head isa human extremity coil but for large and giant dogs a human head coil is required. It isalso possible to obtain excellent brain scans using a surface spine coil with the dog indorsal recumbency, as the brain is close to the coil surface. Veterinary MR scanners havetheir own purpose-designed RF coils.


Image planes and pulse sequences


Standard image planes for the brain are dorsal, transverse and sagittal. Each isimportant for different parts of the brain and all three planes should usually be used ineach patient. Oblique planes are helpful for the optic nerve and orbit.


A number of different pulse sequences should be used in order to obtain the maximuminformation about the nature of a brain lesion. The exceptions may be when majorpathology such as severe hydrocephalus or a large mass is evident and no treatmentis proposed: these will be evident on the three plane localiser. Standard sequencesinclude T1-weighting (T1W) and T2W: intermediate proton density weighting (PDW)can produce anatomically pleasing images but does not add further information.T1W is performed before and after intravenous injection of an MRI contrast medium,and most veterinary brain scans are not complete without a post-contrast T1W study.Following administration of contrast medium subtraction images can also be created,and for structures close to bone marrow, fat suppressed post-contrast T1W images arehelpful. Fluid-suppressed inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a standard sequence for the brainas high signal from normal CSF is suppressed and pathology close to the ventriclesor subarachnoid space will be better seen. A T2* gradient echo sequence is the mostsensitive way to detect haemorrhage with high field magnets but is less sensitive in lowfield systems. A variety of 3D gradient echo sequences can also be used. With high fieldsystems diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), perfusion imaging, diffusion tensor imagingand spectroscopy may be possible although clinical applications are currently limited. 


Principles of interpretation 


A sound knowledge of MRI neuroanatomy and the ability to correlate visibleabnormalities with clinical signs is necessary. A number of atlases and electronicfacilities are available for normal brain MRI. There is a wide variation in the appearanceof the brain with breed and head conformation, even within specific breeds and it isessential not to over-diagnose an incidental variant as pathology. Comparison of theright and left sides of the brain on dorsal and transverse images is very important,although it must be appreciated that slight asymmetry can be a normal finding,especially of lateral ventricle size. A number of important but incidental variants will bedemonstrated in the lecture.If lesions are detected they should be described using general principles as below, andexamples will be shown:


Number: solitary, multiple, diffuse 

Distribution when multiple lesions are seen: e.g. unilateral or bilateral, symmetrical orasymmetrical 

Location: extra-axial, intra-axial, intra-ventricular, pituitary: white matter, grey matter orboth: then a more precise description of the location e.g. cerebral, cerebellar, brainstem 

Size: mm size in three orthogonal planes 

Shape and margination: e.g. rounded, irregular etc.; well-defined, ill-defined, semidefined. 

Associated oedema: absent, minimal, mild, marked, severe etc. 

Mass effect: midline shift, ventricular distortion, herniation (sub-falcial, subtentorial,through foramen magnum, though craniectomy), secondary cervical cord changes 

Signal characteristics on difference RF pulse sequences: hyperintense, hypointense,isointense (and iso to what), signal void: suppressing 

Contrast enhancement degree and pattern: e.g. mild/moderate, marked; homogeneous,heterogeneous, ring/rim enhancement 

Other features: e.g. haemorrhage, cyst formation, cavitation, extra-cranial changes 

Change over time, if sequential studies are performed. 

Following a full description of the lesion a list of differential diagnoses is possible whichpermits planning for further tests if indicated.














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